The Worlds Largest Organ Donor Card was introduced in 1997 to raise awareness to the vital shortage of organs around
the world. Our site has quickly gained national recognition on the web.
This site is designed to bring world wide awareness to the 18 people who die each day while waiting for an available
organ and the 58,000 Americans who are currently on the national waiting list. This should never happen since this cause has
a cure!
When we launched this site in 1997 we were over whelmed with support received by Yahoo Picks of the week on June
2nd, HealthsTop 10 sites, Transweb and the thousands of national radio stations airing "Organ donor pick up lines" and by
you! We especially want to thank our members for your oustanding support!
Since WLODC inception thousands of submission have been left from all around the world expressing the
importance of organ donation and we urge you to pass along the message and tell others to sign the WLODC but most importantly
please express your desires about becoming an organ donor with your loved ones!!